The mission of the Rensselaer Technology Park campus is to attract a diversity of technologies, especially those technologies reflective of the varied technological strengths of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, to develop collaborations that will make a positive impact on society.
A fundamental objective of the Rensselaer Technology Park campus is to develop interactions between tenant companies and the university, especially partnerships with signature thrust research initiatives. Such interactions enrich the educational environment of the university and help the companies stay on the leading edge of their technologies.

“I would like to see RPI deliberately amplify the strengthens of this region in a way that lifts all boats. As turnarounds in a number of cities have shown, university leadership in economic development is key — because, by definition, we are focused on the technologies and industries of the future. I look forward to working closely with regional partners to realize these opportunities — including our neighboring schools, colleges and universities, medical centers, and government and industry leaders. Together, we can advance the Capital Region as an innovation hub.”
Martin Schmidt '81, PH.D.